Different Types of Media for Communication


Different Types of Media for Communication

Media are the means used to transfer and store data or information. The word refers generally to components of this large mass media communications discipline, including print media, broadcasting, television, music, cinema, publishing, and other forms of visual and audio communication. Such media can be classified broadly in two categories: user-friendly traditional media and user-friendly new media. The traditional forms of media include printed and illustrated books, magazines, films, and other forms of mass communications. New media are constructed from and incorporate all the components of traditional media.

User-friendly traditional media refer to the mediums and sources that make entertainment, information, education, news, sports, and other types of mass communications easily and efficiently available to the users. Examples of such media include television, radio, print, and the Internet. Users will find that most television, radio, print, and the Internet are predominantly consumed in the personal computer sector. The traditional media have also been widely and successfully utilized for the commercialization of the events and products taking place in the marketplace.

On the other hand, user-friendly new media refer to those media that give access and control to the end users. For example, the social networking sites and microblogging services. These new media have gained enormous popularity among all the segment of society ranging from youth to senior citizens. Social networking sites and microblogging services are rapidly becoming an inevitable part of individuals’ daily life. They have become a platform to share personal information and communicate with friends and relatives.

There are various ways by which the new types of media can be accessed. For example, users can access such media through their computers, mobile phones, pagers, different types of instant communication gadgets, news reading devices such as newspapers, magazines, and television news. Users can choose the method of accessing the media according to their preferences.

Users can also choose the type of media according to their interests. Most of the individuals prefer to read print media. However, they also prefer online magazines and periodicals. Online periodicals are also preferred by people who do not have enough time to read newspapers, magazines and other printed materials. Moreover, there are people who do not have enough time to listen to radio or TV programs.

It has been noticed that a majority of people are now heavily relying on the Internet for obtaining the latest news, updates, and information. For example, individuals may check the Internet to obtain information about the latest world events, current affairs, sports events, and political news. Similarly, they may surf the Internet to gain knowledge about various types of music. In case, individuals are interested in purchasing a new magazine or newspaper, they may visit a physical book store or browse through the collection of magazines available in the market.